Spring is here! As we watch the days lengthen and the temperature warm, we are reminded that the days of our lives are passing by. Don’t let life just happen to you and your family. Try some of these creative ideas to celebrate spring together!
10 Creative Ways to Celebrate Spring
- Thank God for His Creation.
We really take the blessings of new growth and creation for granted, don’t we? Little children seem to be more aware of new flowers, the wind and baby animals. Getting back to nature reminds us that God is truly in control and everything belongs to Him. Thank God for His preservation of our earth and for the beauty of His creation.
- Take a Nature Walk.
Take a nature walk with your kids and explore all of the signs of spring! Nothing is better than hands on experience. Look for budding flowers and caterpillars. Collect leaves and take pictures of new growth. This is a great way to teach your children to value the treasures of God’s earth.
- Make a Pinecone Bird Feeder.
Items needed: large pinecone, jute twine, creamy peanut butter, and birdseed
Directions: Tie the twine around the top end of the pinecone. Using a spatula spread the peanut butter all over the pinecone. Carefully roll the pinecone in the birdseed. Take the bird feeder and hand on a tree branch near a window. Enjoy watching a variety of birds each day as they enjoy a meal!
Note: This works best when you assemble the bird feeder indoors.
No trees? No problem! Try a patio cover or the eaves of your roof.
- Go Bird Watching.
Bird watching can be a fun and educational hobby. Learn the basics of bird watching with your children. Take pictures of the birds you see and look them up online. Inclement weather? Not a problem – watch the birds that gather around your bird feeder from the comfort of your home!
- Plant Something.
Kids love to watch things grow. Plant seeds and nurture them as they grow. You can begin the seeds in pots inside and transfer them outdoors when they are large enough. Don’t limit yourself to just planting flowers. Begin a vegetable garden with your children. Not only will they experience the joy of watching their garden grow, but you just might get them to eat their veggies!
- Go Fly a Kite!
This is such old-fashioned fun! Remember flying kites in the spring when you were a kid? Pack a picnic lunch and head to the park with your kite. Everyone in the family will enjoy this outing. Don’t forget to bring your camera for those memory-making shots!
- Plan a Spring Scavenger Hunt.
Make a scavenger list of all the signs of spring in the great outdoors. Take your family outside and look to find the signs that spring has sprung!
- Birds singing
- Caterpillars & Butterflies
- New green grass
- Earthworms and insects
- Flower buds and blossoms
- New tree leaves
- Involve Your Kids With Spring Cleaning.
Gather your family and create a game plan to spiff up your home and get it ready for spring fun. Teach your kids not only to help with the larger tasks, but also show them how to spring-clean their rooms and possessions. As they learn to declutter and organize they are mastering skills that will help them for years to come.
- Host a Bike Washing Party.
Invite the neighborhood children to join your kids for a bike washing party. Serve simple outdoor refreshments as they wash and perform simple maintenance on their bikes with adult supervision. This encourages friendships and gets everyone ready for a springtime filled with great fun and physical activity, too.
- Try Pavement Painting on a Rainy Day.
Pavement painting can be so much fun! There is usually a lot of rain during the spring and rather than stay indoors, have your kids put on their rain boots and coats and get them outside.
Items needed: rain or hose water, food coloring, disposable cups, and chunky paint brushes, paved driveway or sidewalk
Directions: Make your “paint” by mixing food coloring with water in the disposable cups, give each child a paint brush and let them make their own works of art!
Enjoying and celebrating each season of life will help your family cherish each moment and make lasting memories for years to come. Take a few of these ideas and celebrate spring together!
You are such a blessing. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. I love you, and can’t wait to see you again soon. May God richly your family, and your ministry. 🙆💘👍😃
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I have read the whole blog. Love it! Not sure if I will have time to make a pinecone birdfeeders. But I have enjoyed reading all about your wisdom God has given you! Continued success. Love Teri
Lol! Love you, sis!
Penny I am so excited about your blog!! God always uses you in my life when you speak to us! Keep it coming friend!
Thanks for the encouragement, Lynn! Love you, friend!
Loved reading this! What a great challenge! My family and I will definitely be trying these activities! Thank you Ms. Penny!
Hi Caroline! Love you!