God is love and the greatest thing we can do for our children is to lead them to a relationship with their Wonderful Creator. Knowing God doesn’t happen accidentally. As we grow as human beings our mental capacity expands and we can learn more about Him. This is also true for our children and will only happen when we help them know Him. Here are 10 ways you can teach your children to love God!
10 Ways to Teach Your Children to Love God
- Talk about the Lord everyday and in all situations. Include Him in your conversations with your kids. Talk about what the Bible teaches about God’s love and His personality. Be aware of God’s presence and remind your children He is always with them.
- Show respect for God’s Word and teach it to your children. The Bible will change everyday living when it is memorized and obeyed. Lead your family to learn verses that will help train good behavior and closeness with the Lord.
- Model God’s love and mercy in dealing with your children.
When handling disobedience and correction, be sure to encompass all you do and say with love and a merciful spirit just as the Lord does when He is dealing with us.
- Pray for and with your children consistently. Most importantly, pray for your children and lift them before the Lord. Then make sure you are making prayer a part of everyday life. Don’t just pray a canned prayer with your kids before you eat. Really talk to God and teach them to approach their Heavenly Father in a personal way. Also remember to pray over your children at bedtime. Pray together when there is a sickness or a crisis. Including prayer regularly will build this habit into their lives.
- Tell your kids stories from your life when you saw God work in special ways. Share with your children your own personal testimonies of God’s grace and moving in your life’s journey. Tell them how He was faithful to take care of you. Remind them of answered prayer you’ve experienced. These stories will build their faith and encourage them to create their own story with God.
- Tell them the story of Jesus over and over to your children. From the day my boys were born, I shared the story of the Gospel with them over and over. I know they were too young to truly understand the wonderful plan of salvation as newborns, but I wanted their earliest memories to be filled with the precious name of Jesus. I would hold them in my arms and repeat those blessed Scripture passages that would one day lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Even today, after both of my sons have made a profession of faith and followed the Lord in baptism, I still tell them the sweet story of God’s grace on us.
- Teach your kids how wonderful God is by praising Him continually. Point out the blessings of God to your children. There are many things we take for granted in our lives. Remind them of all God has given them and praise Him for the blessings.
- Be faithful to church attendance as a family. Go to church faithfully! Set the example and take your kids to church with you. Have your children involved in all of the programs offered at your church for the kids. Train them from an early age on to be faithful in their attendance. This will create the habit in their lives of going into the house of the Lord on a regular basis.
- Sing praises with your children to God. When they are babies begin with the sweet children’s song they will learn in Sunday school. All of the old favorites make wonderful lullabies. Play Christian music in your home and in your car. Sing praises to God in front of your children and encourage them to sing with you!
- Encourage your children to love God by honoring Him with their lives. Our lives were created to glorify God. Children are born selfish – it’s part of their human nature. We must teach our kids that they belong to the Lord. Everything they will do in life will not only reflect on their family, but also on their God. Encourage them to honor the Lord and please God with their lives.
Raising Godly children will happen as we choose to train them in the ways of the Lord. Implement these simple ideas and help your kids love God for the rest of their lives!
Thank you, Shauna, for helping teach my children to love God more. Duane and you are awesome teachers and have a great influence over the folks at our church. Love you!