Most homeschooling families have dealt with the mid-year blahs. You know the feeling…you walk into your “school room” area, sit down at your desk staring at the textbooks, papers and lesson plans and you just feel BLAH!
The newness has worn off the school year as all the fun fall and winter holiday activities have passed. Now it feels like it will be an eternity until summer break! Kids exhibit this malaise in different ways. One will drag their feet and not want to start school for the day, another will react emotionally to everything you ask them to do and then there’s the student who decides they no longer want to home school at all! It hits every family. It’s just the mid-year blahs. How can we break out of the slump and get back to exciting learning? Here are a few ideas I’ve used to help my kids get over the mid-year blahs.
5 Ideas to Help Students Over the Mid-Year Blahs
- Change Up Your Schedule.
I know, I know – you probably have the perfect schedule set up and it’s timed and laid out just right. Monotony is boring and what worked for last semester might need an overhaul for this semester. Reverse your schedule. Rotate your class times. Maybe just a schedule change will be enough to help your students get going again.
- Plan a Science Activity.
Making a working volcano or building an ant farm might be just the change in scenery your little pupils need. There are no many ideas to try. Look up science fair projects and try one together as a group. It can be fun and educational for everyone.
- Teach Using a Historic or Instructional Video.
There are many great documentary or instructional style programs available at your local library or even on specialize cable channels. Record or borrow a few and take a week to study a specific time in history or a scientific process. This can be used for all grade levels and can enrich their learning.
- Take a Field Trip.
There are so many great options available now when it comes to planning a field trip. Did you know that many museums and local attractions plan days specifically just for home schooled students? Do a little investigating and find our what’s in your area to take advantage of. Field trips are not only fun, but they are necessary to round out your student’s social exposure and learning.
- Host a Game or Track & Field Day.
There are probably other home schooling families you know that are also feeling the mid-year blahs. Talk to the other parents and formulate a plan for a game or track and field day for your kids. They will love the social time and the change for physical activity.
Whatever you do, don’t make your students suffer through the mid-year blahs. Learning is so important. Remember the goal of schooling isn’t just to fulfill an obligation, but rather to transfer the love of learning to your children. Helping them learn to adapt and change throughout life will help them not only get through this down time, but also give them the skills needed to be successful in life!
Great advice to make school fun.