Uniting the women in a church can be a difficult task. It’s not that the women don’t want to connect, but that we find ourselves busier today than ever before. Women work both in the home as well as out of the home. They care for their families and they work very hard to keep everything together for those they love. Sometimes, unknowingly, the busyness of life keeps church members from forming close relationships with other believers.
However, we know that God wants the body of the church to grow in unity. It’s important for spiritual growth. The Bible says in Philippians 2:2, “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” As the pastor’s wife, you may feel that it is your responsibility to bring people together. You can’t match up friendships and force members to like one another. Connections can be encouraged, however, with a little planning. Try these 7 ways to help unite the women in your church!
7 Ways to Unite the Women in Your Church
- Prayer
Pray for the women of your church and encourage them to pray for one another. You can do this as a special prayer program for the women or gather together to pray in smaller groups.
- Friendliness
It’s important to be friendly to everyone. Set the example and try to help people get to know one another. You make have to make yourself talk to others. For some women this is difficult and they tend to be shy. For others, they might not be shy, but only talk with their closest friends. Teaching the women to reach out to others in friendliness is imperative for unity.
- Service
Provide opportunities for the women to serve together at the church. A spring-cleaning Saturday might not only provide needed upkeep, but also bonding for the ladies. Working together makes it easier to put down our guard and get to know one another.
- Technology
You might want to consider starting a social media page or group to keep everyone connected during the week. You can also send out an email to the ladies mid-week to keep them encouraged and remind them you love them and are praying for them.
- Fellowship
Plan a time for the ladies to get together and fellowship with one another. Have a dessert time on a Sunday evening after church for everyone or plan a girls’ night out in your home. Just staying at church for a half hour after the services to talk and socialize will build closeness. These easy times of fellowship will create a bond among the women.
- Bible Study
Women need to know what the Bible teaches about successful Christian living. God’s Word is very clear that women teach other women how the Lord wants them to act towards one another. Teaching them what the Bible has to say about Christian womanhood is a vital building block for unity in the church.
- Special Activities
We all love special events! I know that for our church ladies, nothing has provided more memories or spiritual decisions like holding special activities just for the women. We have held holiday parties, banquets, breakfasts, luncheons, ladies nights and retreats. They have all been so much fun and made for a great time of laughter, tears and precious memories. Don’t overdo it, but a few times a year, planning an event will give the women something to look forwards to together.
These ideas are just a few ways that the Lord has helped me to build the unity of the women in our church. I love them all so much and have found it to be true that the women do set the emotional tone of the church family. As we have grown together in love and service, the blessings we have received from the unity we share is priceless!
Great Ideas!