All relationships take work. Contrary to the romance seen in the movies and read about in novels, true love takes effort and attention to stay going strong. I guarantee you will get out of your marriage what you put into it. It’s definitely worth the investment! Try these ideas to create greater intimacy between you and your mate.
Creating Greater Intimacy in Your Marriage
Encourage and accept each other.
Everyone needs the be unconditionally loved. It isn’t something that is earned with perfection. If that were the case, none of us would deserve it. Choosing to love, accept and encourage your mate will keep your hearts tethered together throughout life and will create the closeness your hearts desire.
Forgive one another for failures and wrong choices.
It has been said that every great marriage is made up of two great forgivers. It’s true – forgiving and moving on is the key to longevity and happiness in marriage. Whenever you feel you just can forgive and let it go, remember, God has forgiven you for much greater offenses.
Believe in each other and your future.
The Bible says that every wise woman builds her house. Are you believing in and dreaming for all God could do in your relationship and home? Build your spouse up. The world will tear down, as will other people. Decide that your words and actions to your mate and to others when talking about your mate will be positive and building.
Pray on behalf of your mate and marriage.
Just Pray. Talk to God on behalf of your partner. Bring their needs and well-being before the Lord. It’s the greatest spiritual blessing you can give.
Be affectionate and physically attentive to one another.
Choose to be physically loving to your husband. Never part ways without a kiss and hug goodbye. Say “I love you” as you leave one another and never hang up the phone without saying it. Lavish your man with love. Got it?
Focus on your own Christian growth and allow God to change you rather than focusing on your mate’s spiritual life.
You are not the Holy Spirit. It is not your job to monitor your husband’s spiritual life and Christian growth. It is damaging and will hinder intimacy if you are his critic. Pray for him, but rather focus on your Christian walk with God. Be a Godly influence, but not a self-righteous judge.
Respect and minister to your mate.
Lovingly care about the burdens your sweetheart carries in life. Encourage him and cheer him on. Minister to him by easing his stress and making home a haven for him. Be thankful for all he does to provide for you and the family. Most of all respect him. This is a God-given desire of every man. Men crave it more than anything else. Be certain that you speak to and treat him with respect. God created marriage to be a picture of Christ and His love for the church. Are you respecting your husband as you would respect the Lord Jesus?
Fulfill your God-given role in your marriage.
Are you his partner and help-meet in life? Do you lovingly submit to his leadership? God created you to fulfill these roles. No one can do it for you. The Bible tells us many example of good and bad wives. Be sure to search the Scriptures and ask God to show you areas where you need to improve.
Love your spouse for who they are, rather than just their potential.
Don’t compare your mate to others. Love them as God created them. It’s painful and demeaning for a wife to tell her husband what he could achieve in life if he would just_________. You fill in the blank. Regardless of your answer it’s never right to do. Besides, would you like him to do that to you?
Be best friends and lovers always.
No one in this world should be closer to you than your spouse. God created marriage for intimacy and oneness. When another person is in between it will cause problems and resentment. Choose to be best friends and lovers throughout life.