Every day, millions of people rush through life stressed, disorganized and pressured to get it all done. Have you ever just had one of those days when you were one of those people and after have a very busy day you find that you didn’t accomplish what you really needed to get done? I know I have and a while back I started something that has really helped me be more productive and live a more peaceful life. I have learned to live by schedule.
Living by a schedule has changed my life! I know, it sounds confining and militaristic, but honestly, just the opposite has occurred. I am no longer stressed out by having to handle last-minute projects and missing long ago scheduled appointments. I am sleeping and feeling better as I know what I will need to accomplish the next day and am better prepared to face it.
There are many ways to set up a schedule – a daily planner, a paper calendar, a daily or weekly to-do list or even a digital calendar on your computer or phone. Different styles will work better for different personalities. Whichever you choose, these simple steps will help you implement and live by your schedule.
7 Simple Ideas to Help You Live by Schedule
1. Pray before you start each day and walk in God’s presence.
Some people like to schedule their time with the Lord first thing in the morning while others like to meet with Him during the evening hours. However, it’s very important to start your day in prayer. Ask God to be with you, direct your steps, and control all you do, say and feel.
2. Get up every day on time.
The snooze button is your enemy! Decide to throw back the covers and get out of bed. No excuses and no delays. Just do it and it will become a habit.
3. Keep your schedule simple.
Many people make the mistake of trying to schedule out every minute of the day. This just causes a lot of unnecessary pressure and stress. Schedule out the main blocks of time for your different tasks and appointments and remember to leave buffer time in between each.
4. Remember to stay flexible.
Don’t allow changes to cause panic. For example, you may have scheduled bedtime for your kids at 8 p.m., but maybe one evening they’re having a great time wrestling with Daddy. Be flexible. Don’t allow your schedule to ruin special memory-making moments. Situations will always arise that may push into your schedule. If you allow it to ruin your day and cause you to be upset, you are missing the purpose of your schedule.
5. Plan your meals and cleaning schedule in advance.
Monthly meal planning will not only save you money, but also time. Knowing what cleaning tasks need to be accomplished and what meals need to be prepped for every day will make these tasks much easier and alleviate stress.
6. Each night before you go to bed, prepare for the next day.
Take fifteen minutes and straighten your kitchen and living areas. Lay out clothes for the next day. Look over your schedule and see what you have planned. These little preparations will make the morning more organized.
7. End your day with a prayer of thanks to God and get in bed on time!
It is tempting to stay up late at night to do things that you might have missed doing during the day, or you might want to just stay up and watch television or play your favorite game app on your phone. This is honestly a self-defeating choice. Staying up late tonight will rob you of valuable sleep needed to be ready for tomorrow. Fight the temptation!
Living by schedule is not a fix-all for a busy life. However, it can greatly help you get more done in the time that God has given you. If you take these simple steps you can stretch your time and reduce the pressure life brings your way!
This is great advice for staying organized.