We are so blessed and overflowing with the goodness of God in our lives we should all feel the joy of the Lord in our souls. The Bible teaches us to serve the Lord with gladness and joy and I am certain that every one of us would look at life and in gratitude long to live in joyful service to the Lord.
I want all of us to take a trip down memory lane…
Do you remember when you first accepted Christ as your Savior?
Do you remember your desire to do anything in the church?
The first time you were asked…
– Serve in the nursery?
– Help set up for an event?
– Go witnessing?
– Teach a Sunday school class?
Do you remember your excitement and love for the Lord as you were able to “do something” for Him? You couldn’t do enough and even when you were exhausted from a “big day” at the church you went to sleep smiling because “nothing was better than serving the Lord!!!!
I remember those times in my own life. The Bible calls this our “first love” and God is so please when we love Him in response like that.
Then something happened…
– Being a children’s worker was what you loved. But then, they asked you to work in the nursery and the woman you were serving with criticized the pastor’s wife the whole time. You’d never heard anyone like that “at church” and it disheartened you…
– Helping the pastor’s wife was great! Then the annual ladies tea was coming and instead of inviting you to help with the decorations they put you on garbage detail…
– Witnessing was such an important part of your life when you got saved! Then it kind of got old…you still love the Lord, but the fervency you had has waned…
– You once loved teaching Sunday school…but those kids are not so cute anymore and it would be so nice to sleep in on Sunday mornings!
– Maybe it was a little more serious for you…a leader disappointed or hurt you…a spouse has turn their back on the Lord and is making it difficult for you to wholeheartedly enjoy your service for the Lord…your friends in church have backslid and no longer come like they used to…
Regardless of what happened we can all get to a point when we lose the joy in our service – when we don’t feel the happiness that we once found in living and doing for the Lord.
Sometimes situations will arise or troubles will happen that discourage us or make us just want to give up. We all face these feelings.
We’ve all had thoughts of …
“Why bother???”
“No one cares anyway…”
“I’m just tired.”
IF we’re not careful, we just go ahead and keep serving our of ‘DUTY’ but joylessly. Instead of joyful service, we grudgingly continue.
How is your response when an opportunity to serve comes your way?
“We have to go to church – again!”
Oh great, Missions Conference…get ready to be exhausted…”
“Honey, you go on to church with the kids…I’ve got too much to do and I’m getting a headache…I think.”
Maybe you’re already there. You feel like you’re at the end of your rope – you’re going through the motions, but the joy is gone.
The Lord doesn’t want this for us. He truly wants us to “serve the Lord with gladness!”
If He came that we might have life and “have it more abundantly” – HOW do we do this? HOW do we serve with that gladness and joy? WHAT can we do to restore the joy? How can we live a life of joyful service?
Living a Life of Joyful Service
Let’s look at Psalm 100…
Psalm 100
“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”
Psalm 100 gives us the keys to staying joyful in our service to the Lord.
1. Focus on serving the Lord!
- – You are not serving your Pastor or Pastor’s wife…
– You are not serving the other Christians around you…
– You are not serving your church…YOU ARE SERVING JESUS!
Often people become disillusioned when serving God because they aren’t doing it for HIM AT ALL…the Bible says they do it “to be seen of men.”
This chapter tells us – “we are His people” – I belong to Jesus – not in a slave-type relationship – We are FAMILY!
Our love for the Lord should keep our hearts tender and wanting to please and serve Him – regardless of the task or the compensation.
A life of joyful service is a privilege and a way to show our love for Christ.
As we focus on serving Him – we must remember that we serve Him directly…”in his presence” at all times.
Keep Him in the forefront of all service you do – no matter how large or how small the task – do it for HIM!
2. Delight in serving.
I think it’s interesting how this chapter is so full of happy feelings, thoughts and actions.
Serving the Savior should never be a drudgery. Our outreach and service for Him should be a delight and an honor. It’s our privilege to do anything for Him.
What would you do if He were standing beside you right now? Would you look at Him and say, “Well…alright…” or would you jump up, fall at His feet and do ANYTHING for Him?
When Psalm 100 tells us to be in His presence with singing – not moaning.
Make it your delight to serve your Savior!
3. Wait for your rewards.
Sometimes our service does go unnoticed by others.
Many times you may sacrifice to help or serve and no one will ever say “thank you.”
As human beings we like to feel appreciated and needed. It’s how we’re wired – because we’re created in the image of God and He likes to be thanked and appreciated for all He’s done and is.
While other people may not take notice of your work or sacrifice – don’t forget that GOD does!
Repeatedly in the Bible He tells us that He is WATCHING and LISTENING and HE WILL REWARD US ONE DAY – for ETERNITY!
This reminds me of the old story about an elderly missionary returning to the United States to retire.
He & his wife had spent over 40 years serving in Africa. But now he was alone. His wife & two children had long since found their final resting place in the soil of Africa. As he got off the plane he saw a great crowd of people waiting at the gate. Some were holding signs, others were waving banners, & he could even hear sounds of music above the shouting voices. For a few seconds he thought, “Can it be? After more than 40 years of service, all of these people have actually come out to welcome me home?”
But no, that was not the case. On his plane was a politician returning from a visit to Africa. During his visit he had been catered to & waited upon & all his needs had been met. And now he was being welcomed back with all the ceremony his nation could provide.
As he waited & waited at the airport, the contrast was almost more than the old missionary could bear. For a moment he began feeling sorry for himself, & he started to pray. “Father in Heaven, why? I’ve served You faithfully & for so long, & yet, look. I don’t expect much. But is it wrong to desire that there be some kind of a welcome home?”
Then, almost as if God had spoken out loud, the old missionary heard Him say, “But my son, you’re not home yet.”
DEAR FRIENDS…how are you doing in your service to the Savior?
Is your life filled with joyful service?
Are you feeling discouraged and wanting to just quit?
Have you lost the joy you once had in serving?
May I ask you…
- Is your FOCUS on the Lord or is it somewhere else?
- Are you finding your DELIGHT in Him or are you looking for that elsewhere?
- Is there disappointment in your heart because others don’t seem to appreciate you or thank you for your sacrifice? Are you looking for REWARDS here?
Today, why don’t we recommit our lives to serving Jesus and not others? Why don’t we ask Him to restore to us the “first love” and joy in our Christian walk? Ask the Lord to help you live a life by joyful service!
What a wonderful reminder! And very timely, as I woke up with a bad case of selfishness. Jesus is the center of our joy. I love and miss you, my sister!
Thank you, Morgan! Love and miss you!
Encouraging article.