The storms of life beat upon us all. Financial pressures, relationship issues, sickness, loss, unkindness…all of these trials are a part of life. From the youngest of our families to the most elderly members, hardships come to us. This fact is true for each every human that has ever lived on this earth. Yet, we know that God tells us that He will take care of us and strengthen us to deal with the problems that come. To comfort and minister to us, He created family and the home to be our safe haven.
However, for many people, home is not a place where they can come to escape the attacks of the world. Instead, their reality is a house lacking in peace and order. For them, coming home means facing more chaos. As I see this standard becoming the norm for most families, I don’t want this to be the case for mine.
Our family lived in Florida for many years. During the storm season many hurricanes would form and bring a state of emergency for our area on the coast. During these storms preparations had to be made to keep property and people safe and survive the strong winds and gusting rains. In order to do that, boats had to be taken to a safe haven. A safe haven is a place of shelter and refuge from the elements. Our homes should be that for every family member that lives there. Let’s look at what it means to make our homes true havens!
Making Your Home a Haven
- A haven is a place of safety, shelter and refuge. Your home needs to be a place where every family member feels they can come and escape the difficulties of life. It should provide protection and be a sanctuary where everyone can relax and refresh before leaving again to face the world. Do the member of your home feel safe and protected?
- A haven is a peaceful place of rest in the midst of the storms of life.
Your family must face the pressures of work and school when they are away from home. Competition and unkindness are often faced in these settings. Home needs to be a place where they take a deep breath and know they can safely rest. When your family comes home do they find a spirit of peace and tranquility?
- A haven should be clean, orderly and comfortable.
A home doesn’t need to have new furnishing or top of the line electronics to be comfortable. But, no one relaxes when the house is a mess and there are no clean clothes. It’s important for your family to feel that they can come home and reorder their lives and prepare to achieve all that God has planned for them.
Studies have shown that when a person lives in disorder and uncleanliness they suffer from lack of confidence and the skills to organize and plan. Don’t handicap your family this way. Get everyone to pitch in and keep the house and the chores done. Is your home clean, orderly and comfortable?
- A haven should provide good meals and physical care for everyone.
We are all busy. Whether we work outside or inside the home (or both!), we have to make the effort to plan healthy meals and help each family member take care of their bodies. This means having a meal plan and making sure the little ones brush their teeth, have a daily bath, wear clean clothing and get good sleep. Children will not be able to do this for themselves. Are all of your family members physically cared for?
- A haven is a place where each member feels valued and loved.
No one can love your family members like you. It is so important to express our love and tell each one that we love them. Never part from each other for work or school without a hug and an “I love you.” Kiss each other goodnight and good morning. Most of all, act loving towards one other and treat each other with respect. We are most like Christ when loving others. A family can own a house, but love makes it a true haven for all. Are you daily showing tender care and concern for each person?
- A haven is a place where Christ is the center.
God tells us in His Word to put Him first in all things. This includes our home. My husband’s grandparents had a little plaque hanging in their kitchen that read, “Home – where each lives for the other and all live for God.” Our children will pattern their relationship with the Lord based upon what they see and experience in their home. As each family member draws closer to Jesus, they will draw closer to one another. This is truly the tie that cannot be broken. Is Jesus Christ the center of your home and the lives of each family member?A close, loving home become a haven in life when we plan and work to make it that way. The Bible says it this way in Proverbs 14:1, “Every wise woman buildeth her house:”
Your home can become a true haven when you build it with the Lord.
Good stuff!