Life is moving faster than ever! With each passing day, it seems as though I am becoming more aware of the fact that the years are drifting on in my own life and that there is less and less time left for becoming all that God wants me to be. Yet I am comforted when I stop to remember that each and every day that I am given, I can choose to prioritize and focus on the one necessary thing that I have that is so important in this life and in the life to come. May I challenge you to analyze your life, priorities and your heart?
Priorities – Is Jesus Really #1 in My Life?
Ask yourself…
Are my priorities what they should be?
Am I choosing what’s really important according to the Lord?
Is my perspective or viewpoint what it should be?
As women, we have so many responsibilities in our lives.
Husbands, children, jobs, family, friends…the list is endless! It always encourages my heart when I read about the women of the Bible, especially those who were friends of the Lord Jesus. Two of these women were Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. When the Bible speaks of these women, we see them interact with God Himself.
The Bible says in Luke 10:38-42:
“Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.
And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.
But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.
And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”
Martha & Mary…two sisters…both loved the Lord Jesus Christ! He was their Friend.
.Can you imagine if Jesus Himself came to your house to eat? Imagine – God Himself – eating at your table!!! I’d be a little nervous, too!
He was perfect love, friendship, salvation and wisdom – all at once. He was there and they were in the very presence of the LORD!!!
Yet both of them viewed their interaction with Him very differently from one another.
Martha viewed it as service, while Mary saw it as a relationship.
Martha anxiously rush about preparing a meal, frustrated that her sister was just “sitting there.” In her opinion, she was doing all the work and Jesus didn’t care that Mary was being still.
Sitting under her roof was God Himself. When Jesus opened His mouth to impart the words of life to those hearing Him, Martha missed the miracle of His presence.
Martha failed to discern the priority and importance the relationship she should have had with the Savior and the place He should have held in her heart and in her priorities!
Martha was so busy doing ‘good things’ that she forgot Who she was supposed to be doing them for and Who was to take priority in her life!
Mary, on the other hand, made the choice that indicated a heart of devotion to the Lord. She put her focus on Him over everything else!
Jesus said that Mary had chosen the “needful” thing that would be with her forever.
Mary had the right priorities in her life. What did she do?
She prioritized that one “needful” thing and decided to keep it first in her life. She was preoccupied with one thing at all times – HIM!
Yes, she served. She too fulfilled her God-given responsibilities, but she continually made a decision to put first her relationship with the Lord.
How did Mary keep the right priorities in life?
1. Mary understood the one thing she needed most in this life – a close relationship with the Lord.
2. Mary chose that one needed thing over everything else. Nothing can ever replace time spent with the Lord. We all have that empty place within us that only He can fill.
We try to fill (sometimes unknowingly) that place in our life with a husband, kids, a job, a home, or stuff! It won’t satisfy!!!!
While we can do all kinds of good deeds and serve Him in many ways, nothing can replace closeness with Him. Rather, when we spend time sitting at the feet of Jesus it always brings about more acts of service, but in the proper order.
And just as Jesus said – everything else will fade, but our relationship with Him is the only thing that can never be take away. It’s the only thing that you will take to Heaven when you leave this earth!
When I read the story of these two sisters, it’s easy to see the misplaced priorities of Martha and I long to be like Mary. But the reality is, I often find myself being just like Martha.
I put first ministry tasks, other relationships or even good deeds and set aside times of closeness with Him. When I’m totally exhausted and even disappointed in the outcome, I realize sometimes I serve Him without His strength and voice guiding my way. This happens when I am not close to Him.
As Jesus said, I must abide in Him. This means to stay close and lean into Him at all times.
Otherwise, I must remember His warning – without Him I can do NOTHING!
I want to be like Mary and choose my relationship with the Lord over everything else, yet find I jumble my priorities.
1. Be aware of His presence at all times!
The Lord said very specifically in His Word that He would never leave us or forsake us, but we act like He’s gone! We ignore Him and try to handle our crazy lives on our own! We rob ourselves of the very best thing when we aren’t aware of His presence with us. His presence is always with us through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling. This is the treasure given to us in “earthen vessels.” Yet, we rush through our days refusing His wisdom, guidance and discernment, choosing rather to navigate life on our own.
2. Choose to follow God’s ways at every opportunity in life.
Every decision, word, thought and response, I must stop and ask – what would He want done?
I must make God my Ultimate Authority – He must be the final word on everything in my life!!!
How do I do this?
Proverbs 3:5-6 explains it best.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they paths.”
These well known verses describe how we are to approach life’s choices and follow God’s leading instead of our own heart.
First, I must stop trying to figure everything out on my own and then I must ask God’s direction and secondly, allow Him to direct our paths.
We are to consult with God regarding every decision, word, thought, or response – no matter how large or how small.
Before we move ahead or react, we are to ask Him, “God, what would you have me to do, think or say here?” As your life is lived out each day constantly stop, pray and pause your mind and spirit and allow God to direct you.
Whenever something arises – a decision, an emergency, a hurt, a need, a change in life – I am to stop and ask and acknowledge Him. God is faithful in His promise – He will direct you!
3. Commit yourself to God daily and stay yielded to the Holy Spirit.
Every morning, start each day fresh with your heart drawing close to Him. Lay you life and day’s plans before the Lord and ask Him to control your steps, actions and feelings.
Give Him all that you are, all that you have – now – daily – forever! Give God your life, your body, your husband, your children, your future, your home, your possessions! Practice the habit of placing these blessings in God’s loving hands to do with them what He will. After all…they’re really His anyways!
Be yielded to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide and direct your life!
4. Continually cultivate your relationship with the Lord.
We are to be excited about God and devoted to building a close relationship with him. How do we do this? James 4:8, “Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you!”
That word “nigh” means to be close, near and intimate with. That is why the Lord tells us to
call Him “Father” or even better as He said in Galatians 4 “ABBA” and that we are His
children. In Galatians that word “ABBA” means Daddy or Papa. We are to have a
familiar closeness with Him!
Of course, we all have a lot of responsibilities in our lives, but just as Jesus said of Mary, we must choose to be close to the Lord Jesus.
Have you begun a relationship with Him through salvation?
Since you have accepted Christ, are you committed to Him?
May I challenge each one of us to take a closer look at our relationship with Him?
The one “needful” thing in this life is a close, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. May each one of us choose to put the Lord at the top of our priority list!
LOVE this, my Penny girl!!
This is just what I needed today! Thank you so much for the reminder.