What are the traits of a true friend? We live in a day and age where relationships seem temporary and easily replaceable, but these are really acquaintances or fake friends. We long for intimacy with other human beings as designed by the Lord. God not only created friendship from the very beginning of time, but Jesus modeled it with His disciples. The Bible specifically teaches the characteristics of a person who meets the criteria. Let’s look at the following marks of real friendship.
The Traits of a True Friend
- A True Friend Loves You No Matter What.
Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loveth at all times…”
Their love doesn’t change with emotions or circumstances. They just love you no matter what. They don’t base that love upon what you do for them or how you love them back. It’s a choice they have made and commit to love.
- A True Friend Will Sharpen You and Make You a Better Person.
Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”
A true friend will sharpen your life – a false friend will dull it down.
A real friend will help you do right. She makes it easier to do the right things.
Ask yourself – am I a better person because of my relationship with that person?
This is one of the markers of a real relationship with Jesus Christ. When we come to know Him as our Savior, He makes us a better person and makes our life better!
- A True Friend Sticks With You and Stays Your Friend.
Proverbs 18:24 “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”
This is someone who has already sharpened you and then sticks with you until the end. She never leaves you when you’re down or doing through difficult times. She are steady and consistent.
- A True Friend Will Be Honest With You, Even If It Hurts.
Proverbs 27:6 “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”
What does this mean? A friend who really loves you will tell you the truth, even if it wounds you. Flattery – those hypocritical kisses – is not real friendship. She will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
The difference between a hypocrite and a flatterer is this: a flatterer will say to your face what she’ll not say behind your back – a hypocrite will say behind your back what he’ll not say to your face. Neither is sincere.
Friendships are built over time and tested often. We must attain these traits so we know how to stick by each other in unity and love. The greatest relationships are based upon Jesus Christ. Real love flows from Him and He enables us to be a true, unselfish friend. As each of you draw closer to the Lord the deeper your closeness will grow.
Being authentic is so important. It’s said, that it’s not in finding a true friend, but rather being a true friend that brings happiness. Don’t look at these traits and judge others. Instead, consider them and check yourself. Are you the real thing or are you a fake?
Do you love and accept your friend? Do you value and respect her? Do you appreciate the relationship you have express your thankfulness?
Choose to be a true friend today! It will take work and the investment of your time and care, but it is worth it. Real friendship is a treasure that is rare and priceless!